Savoring Stories: The Battle Between Joy and Addiction

The USSR’s New Alcohol Policy: A Step Towards a Sober Society

Today, we are diving into an intriguing and transformative topic – the USSR’s new alcohol policy. Back in 1985, the Soviet Union made a bold move to combat alcoholism, a long-standing health and social problem in the country. Let’s delve deeper into the measures taken and their impact on shaping a healthier society.

Alcoholism had been plaguing the USSR for years, causing a myriad of health and social issues. From the early 1960s to the early 1980s, alcohol production and consumption steadily increased, with annual consumption per capita more than doubling from 3.9 liters of pure ethanol in 1960 to a staggering 8.7 liters in 1980. As alcohol consumption soared, so did the negative consequences. The death rate among able-bodied men surpassed that of women, and accidents, traumas, and violence committed by intoxicated individuals became alarmingly frequent.

Recognizing the severity of the situation, the USSR government and the Communist Party launched a comprehensive approach to tackle alcohol-related problems. Their long-term anti-alcohol program encompassed various aspects, including social, economic, demographic, educational, legislative, psychological, and biochemical interventions. This multifaceted strategy aimed to cultivate temperance across the nation and revamp societal attitudes toward alcohol consumption.

Regulation of Availability:

To address excessive alcohol consumption, the government took decisive actions to curtail the production and sales of alcoholic beverages. They also imposed strict control over prices and advertising while discouraging home distillation. As a result, by 1987, the production of strong spirits like vodka and cognac drastically decreased, while non-alcoholic beverage production and sales surged.

Alteration of Public Attitudes:

Concurrently, the authorities launched extensive health education campaigns to raise awareness about the toxic effects of alcohol and promote the benefits of abstinence. Through various channels, including the mass media, they emphasized the importance of a sober lifestyle. They also sought to foster intolerance towards drinking, especially in workplaces, educational institutions, and public gatherings.

Results and Impact

The implementation of the new alcohol policy yielded remarkable results that reverberated throughout Soviet society. Per capita alcohol consumption plummeted from 8.4 liters in 1984 to only 3.3 liters in 1987. Consequently, alcohol-related absenteeism and work-related disabilities decreased by 30%. Moreover, the number of alcohol-related traffic accidents and violent crimes significantly declined, contributing to a safer and more secure environment.

The success of the policy was also evident in demographic improvements. The mortality rate dropped from 10.8 in 1984 to 9.9 in 1987, and the average life expectancy increased. Such progress indicated a tangible decline in alcoholism-related illnesses and fatalities.


Although the new alcohol policy achieved commendable results, it was not without its challenges. The attempts to solely rely on prohibitive and administrative measures led to an increase in illicit home distillation and the consumption of dangerous alcohol substitutes. This highlighted the need for a balanced approach that combined regulation with educational campaigns and changes in societal attitudes.

Balancing joy vs addiction

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